1:Running 2:Crouching 3:Jumping 4:Walking 5:Jump and Side-Kick 6:Left Arm Swipe to the Left 7:Left Arm Swipe to the Right 8:Left Arm Wave 9:Left Arm Punch 10:Left Arm Dribble 11:Left Arm Pointing to the Ceiling 12:Left Arm Throw 13:Swing from Left (baseball swing) 14:Left Arm Receive 15:Left Arm Back Receive 16:Left Leg Kick to the Front 17:Left Leg Kick to the Left 18:Right Arm Swipe to the Left 19:Right Arm Swipe to the Right 20:Right Arm Wave 21:Right Arm Punch 22:Right Arm Dribble 23:Right Arm Pointing to the Ceiling 24:Right Arm Throw 25:Swing from Right (baseball swing) 26:Right Arm Receive 27:Right Arm Back Receive 28:Right Leg Kick to the Front 29:Right Leg Kick to the Right 30:Cross Arms in the Chest 31:Basketball Shooting 32:Both Arms Pointing to the Screen 33:Both Arms Pointing to Both Sides 34:Both Arms Pointing to Right Side 35:Both Arms Pointing to Left Side 1000:Null Class